Friday, July 11, 2008

Venus Fly Catcher

Ok so I am just starting out by saying I am slighlty obsessed with my pup! With that being said I have a funny story to share. The breed that my dog is was meant for hunting rodents and bugs. Well yesterday a fly had got into the house and caught the eye of the Jasperito. It was flying mostly around me while I was studying my flash cards. (annoying) So I said to Jasper "Come get the fly.. come catch him." So Jasper jumped up onto the chair that I was sitting and watched as the fly flew around us. Once he got close enough he jumped up and opened his mouth. After a few more tries he finally caught the fly in his mouth. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. I thought he would either chew the fly, or swallow it but nooooooo. He leaned his head down on my chest and spit it out. So I slighlty freaked out that this bug was just lying there and my dog was not disposing of it so I flicked it. Well the bug started flying around again once I gave him the jump start. After that Jasper didn't make anymore attempts to catch him again. He left me to fend for myself and went up stairs to bed.


Jessi said...

I think that is sooo funny! I'm glad you found my blog and shared with me yours! I love blogging.

~Penny~ said...

I love, love, love your lay-out!

I just read through your blog, and it is really hard juggling a serious relationship and graduate school. My ex- bf and I were set to get engagemed the summer after I graduated (age 22) and I just.couldn'

I knew in my heart it was the right decision. So good for you for making that tough decision :)

BTW...I found you through Lisa Johnson.